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−Table of Contents
This page attempts to be a comprehensive reference of the vocabulary of the Threadwielder language. (Note that some words are differentiated by regional meaning; see 'Spread' in parent article.)
Personal Pronouns
Person | Singular | [en] | Plural | [en] | |
first | sa | I | e | we | |
second | na | you | na'a | you | |
third | zetu | it | va | they | |
ka | she | ||||
ra | he |
See also: Compound Numbers
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
atel | araz | arash | aras | arar | aral | arah | arab | arap | aran | aram |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |
arav | araf | arath | arat | arad | araj | arag | araq | arak | araks |
Translations of short English words (<= 3 characters)
Language | English | Class |
ava | not | adverb, conjunction |
et | to | particle |
nar | if | conjunction |
qeta | so | interjection, conjunction (not adverb!) |
ria | no | particle, interjection, noun |
rua | yes | particle, interjection, noun |
sazo | any | determiner, pronoun (not adverb!) |
seteh | why | adverb, conjunction, interjection (not noun!) |
Sinunai | who either formal or for disambiguation with 'sinun' | interrogative pronoun, noun |
Translations of interrogative words
(if not covered above)
Language | English | Class |
sinun | what doubles as 'who' informally | interrogative pronoun, noun |
siipal | which | interrogative pronoun |
siran | whom | interrogative pronoun |
sithash | whose | interrogative pronoun |
sinar | whether | interrogative pronoun |
Other Existing Vocabulary
Language | English | Class |
adaryr | a deeply unpleasant but only vaguely remembered experience | noun |
nightmare (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
aderr | time of hardship borne of scarce resources | noun |
drought (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun | |
adreth | death (negative connotation) | noun |
adrethas | to die (negative connotation) | verb |
aiit | option | noun |
akys | to exist; to be | verb |
amanis | to care; to be engaged with a topic; to have a helpful predisposition toward; to be alert toward the needs of | verb |
aman | care; concern | noun |
amanoth | caretaker; parent; guardian (social connotation) | noun |
ani | premise; fundamental assumption; axiom | noun |
ara- | see numbers | - |
argo | liquid; fluid 'parent' word of equaaj. | noun |
argus | to transition something into a liquid; to melt; to condense (chemical connotation) | verb |
aris | of (origin, agency, composition, possessive and partitive connotations) | preposition |
ashee | pleasant | adjective |
as̈raa | autonomous contrast with 'free' | adjective |
atehas | to report; to share information about; to inform (often tactical or strategic) | verb |
atehash | report; collection of information (often tactical or strategic) | noun |
atel | see numbers | - |
atheon | a lack of illumination; darkness | noun |
atheones | to dim; to extinguish a light; to darken | verb |
avev | sea; ocean; lake large enough to have persistent waves | noun |
azhar | armour; protective covering | noun |
azhares | to clad or encase in armour | verb |
baca | large span of time; era; eon | noun |
banun | single point of failure in a living creature; heart | noun |
bara- | see numbers | - |
baru | sibling (spiritual) | noun |
bata | within; inside (spatial connotation) | adjective, adverb, noun (not preposition!) |
batel | see numbers | - |
batas | to enter; to step inside; to pierce into non-destructively | verb |
beles̈ | risk | noun |
beles | to risk | verb |
benaj | directional cue; indication; sign or symbol denoting something in a position or a whereabouts | noun |
benajas | to indicate; to point or gesture toward the position of something | verb |
benajem | guide; someone showing the way (literally) | noun |
butamas̈ | invincibility; invulnerability; immortality | noun |
butamaa | invincible; immortal; unbeatable; overwhelmingly or impossibly strong or resilient | adjective |
cavis | to part; to separate; to delineate; to make distinct | verb |
ceja | luminous explosion; nova | noun |
also: retinal burn; luminous illusion | ||
ceru | follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) | noun |
cerues | to follow; to track; to trace; to mimic; to be inspired by pertains to creatures, not abstractions | verb |
cessat | the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously; a sudden hail of shards; explosion | noun |
cessatas | to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter | verb |
ciris | to meet; to become loosely acquainted with someone or something | verb |
coraa | middle; center; focus | noun |
daarav | something of importance or abstract value (not monetary / resource connotation) | noun |
dagadag | rhythmic repetition; pulse (onomatopoeic) | noun |
daji | unlocking item; key; something that opens something could also be used to describe a cutting or skewering weapon | noun |
damaan | body | noun |
damake͡i | consciousness; awareness; self-awareness | noun |
dara- | see numbers | - |
darraves | to matter; to be of importance; to be valued, cherished or appreciated | verb |
dasatun | money; currency; most marketable resource | noun |
dasiu | purposeful; intentional; deliberate | adjective |
dasur | remote; distant | adjective |
dasurmaak | absent-minded; scatter-brained; forgetful; inattentive | adjective |
datel | see numbers | - |
dema | dilemma | noun |
dejes̈ | fear; terror; horror; dread; intense concern for one's safety | noun |
dejes̈es | to feel grave unease; to fear; to dread; to worry about safety intensely and personally | verb |
dezys̈ | evasion; dodge; escape | noun |
dezys | to evade; to dodge; to escape | verb |
diev | value; worth (both material and immaterial) | noun |
diyas | to panic, to come apart in fear | verb |
diyas̈ | visceral fear; panic | noun |
dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb |
dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun |
doras̈ | a greeting / hail, like 'hello' | interjection |
dynas | to tear down; to ruin; to destroy; to deconstruct (physical, neutral connotation) | verb |
dynar | ruins; physical remnants; remains | noun |
dyris | to pursue; to aspire to; to be inspired by pertains to abstractions, not creatures, e.g. pursuing happiness | verb |
dyrii | pursuit pertains to abstractions, not creatures, e.g. pursuit of happiness | noun |
egar | small, sharp weapon; dagger; knife (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
egeth | water (chemical connotation); H2O | noun |
ehif | forward | adjective, adverb (not verb or noun!) |
ehifas | to advance; to move forward; to follow a designated path forward | verb |
ekii | pyre; large, impressive collection of flame or fire; impenetrable, intolerably hot obstacle | noun |
equaaj | life-sustaining liquid; water (contrast: egeth) | noun |
etaca | hostile action against someone; attack | verb |
etacas | to make a hostile move; to attack; to aggress against; to subvert; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct | verb |
ethas | to have; to possess (belonging connotation) | verb |
ethas̈ | possession (belonging connotation) | noun |
evenar | grace | noun |
gades̈ | pupil; protégé; sapient creature still under the protection of others 'parent' word of kavamaa and ysash. | noun |
ganirr | imagination; creative ability or prowess | noun |
ganirrys | to imagine; to design creatively | verb |
gara- | see numbers | - |
garu | motion | noun |
gatel | see numbers | - |
gazhil | great ability or skill; power; force (physical and metaphysical connotation) | noun |
gazhilhi | powerful (physical and metaphysical connotation) | adjective |
genei | narrow; thin | adjective |
girr | something in circular arrangement; ring | noun |
haarat | despair; emotional struggle; frantic mood | noun |
haares | to despair; to struggle emotionally; to see no options | verb |
hakas | to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | verb |
hakas̈ | control; ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | noun |
hara- | see numbers | - |
harik | desperate; desolate; frantic | adjective |
harras | to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce; to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence | verb |
hatel | see numbers | - |
hebenash | disorientation; confusion (of a visceral or fundamental sort; compare mizihi) | noun |
hebenas | to disorient; to confuse | verb |
herakedes | to lie for good reason; to say a white lie; to fib (kavkem culture) | verb |
heras̈ | fake; deceptive; of mistaken attributes | adjective |
heras | to deceive; to lead astray; to lie to; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake | verb |
herij | fraud; deception; lie | noun |
heril | fate; destiny | noun |
herilis | to be subject to one's fate; to deserve | verb |
hes̈i | struggle; fight; battle | noun |
hes̈ias | to be in struggle with; to fight; to battle; to antagonise and be antagonised | verb |
hes̈em | defender; protector; guardian (physical connotation); fighter; warrior (positive connotation) | noun |
idi | precious, decorative resource; jewel; gemstone (commonly literal, but possible as a metaphor) | noun |
iktem | fish | noun |
iktis | to fish (not metaphorically) | verb |
inee | slain prey; kill (sustenance connotation) | noun |
inenes | to kill; to slay; to slaughter (sustenance connotation) | verb |
imen | reliable | adjective |
iri | lock | noun |
iras | to lock | verb |
is | to merge; to combine; to knit together; to make the delineation between indistinguishable, invisible or unclear; to weld or glue together | verb |
ishi | river | noun |
is̈igan | alone; isolated (commonly neutral connotation) | adjective, adverb |
ita | friend (acquaintance connotation) | noun |
itaskama | mindless; without volition or sapience; zombie-like | adjective |
ivi | orb; sphere | noun |
jabenash | clarity | noun |
jahaar | mercenaries; warriors with only an external drive for battle; organised military (neutral or negative connotation) | noun |
ja͡i | near | adjective, adverb, preposition |
jakes | to murder; to kill; to bring death for (violent connotation) | verb |
jakes̈ | murder; kill (violent connotation) | noun |
jalok | certainty; confirmation | noun |
jalokis | to confirm | verb |
jara- | see numbers | - |
jaro | truth; fact | noun |
jatel | see numbers | - |
jehnis | to protest; to howl; to whine (legitimately); to grieve | verb |
jehen | expression of helpless outrage; protest; deep grief | noun |
jemosh | a strike; a hit; an intentional, precise impact | noun |
jemos | to strike; to hit; to deliberately and precisely collide with | verb |
jeneth | a device that separates with precision | noun |
a blade (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
a sword (cultures that have them) | ||
jenenis | to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something | verb |
jenen | an expression of entitlement; demand | noun |
ji | yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) | adverb (not conjunction!) |
jirris | to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch | verb |
to blow or rustle (both as in wind) (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
jo | tooth; claw | noun |
joas | to claw; to scratch; to rend or tear with teeth | verb |
kaana | malicious; evil; vindictive; vicious | adjective |
kaar | cursed; wretched; outcast | adjective |
kahirr | item displaying macroscopic, statistical randomness in discrete steps | noun |
dice (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
ka͡inis | to passively follow gravity's beckon; to fall; to drop | verb |
kal | male (non-Threadwielder) | noun |
kara- | see numbers | - |
karon | time | noun |
kary | ally (rational relationship connotation) | noun |
karyes | to ally (rational relationship connotation) | verb |
kas̈ | slumber; sleep; doze; nap (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
katale | incandescently oxidised substance; ash | noun |
katel | see numbers | - |
kavkem | sapient raptorian from Nekenalos (only on and around Nekenalos) | noun |
kavamaa | sapient creature still under the protection of others of its species (if applicable), but capable of abstract communication | noun |
hatchling capable of speech (on Nekenalos) | ||
kazyee also: kazy, ky | fire; incandescence | noun |
kazys | to glow; to illuminate | verb |
kazeqen | Zalaagra's sapient species (Threadwielder only) | noun |
kejatas | to move across a landmark; to cross; to encounter | verb |
kejat | encounter; chance meeting | noun |
kejoro | failure | noun |
kejoras | to fail | verb |
kenas | to sing | verb |
kenda | communicative signature | noun |
voice (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
kenem | singer | noun |
kerr | trust | noun |
kiikam | demon (kavkem culture) | noun |
kiivar | primary star of a system | noun |
sun (Nekenalos) | ||
kinaya | close (spatially); narrowly-missed | adjective |
kivav | planetary shadow (Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
night (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
khalei | crazy | adjective |
kraia | splintered; broken | adjective |
ksara- | see numbers | - |
ksatel | see numbers | - |
kseth | wicked; cunning; unpleasant personality | adjective |
kull | foreign creature; alien | noun |
kunar | manually aimed long-range weapon; arrow; spear (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
lara- | see numbers | - |
laashas | to judge (social connotation only); to decide on someone's fate | verb |
latel | see numbers | - |
lek | absent; gone; disappeared | adjective |
leksis | to force; to compel; to coerce | verb |
lekesh | sway; power; force (social connotation) | noun |
les̈elus | to intend; to mean; to plan toward; to aim for | verb |
lios | to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | verb |
li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun |
lonnas | to perceive sound; to hear (raw perception connotation, not understanding connotation) | verb |
los̈a | planet; planetoid; moon (Threadwielder culture only) | noun |
losa | planet (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
luci | knowledge; possession of factual information | noun |
lucias | to know (factual connotation, not of experience or instinctual wisdom) | verb |
lur | there | noun, adverb |
madjan | reward | noun |
madjaanas | to reward | verb |
makama | conscience; moral understanding; ability to feel empathy; ability to feel guilt | noun |
manas | to lead toward enlightenment; to guide (intellectual connotation) | verb |
manem | guide; mentor; guardian (intellectual connotation) | noun |
mara- | see numbers | - |
maromos | to cover decoratively; to paint; to draw; to decorate | verb |
marom | visual depiction of something; picture; painting; art (non-abstract) contrast 'nathi': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy | noun |
matas | to conceal; to cover | verb |
mataj | humour | noun |
mat | an object to hide beneath or behind; shield; cover | noun |
matel | see numbers | - |
mel | rare; scarce; hard to obtain or find; few in number | adjective |
melma | rarely | adverb |
mesi | ignorance; deliberate blindness | noun |
mesies | to ignore; to pay no heed to; to pretend evidence does not exist | verb |
mneg | tribute; homage | noun |
mi | small (but not tiny) | adjective |
mizhys | to puzzle; to perplex; to confuse | verb |
mizhes | to solve a puzzle; to uncover clues and missing links; to make sense of | verb |
mizihi | puzzle; confusing or incomplete evidence; intellectual challenge | noun |
mynateh | exceptional individual; hero | noun |
mytos | to forget | verb |
nagiji | place (physical); area | noun |
najei | location; position; coordinates | noun |
nala | fertile ground; earth | noun |
nanju | peace | noun |
naki | dimension (geometry / mathematics) | noun |
nara- | see numbers | - |
nateh | deity (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
natel | see numbers | - |
nathi | metaphor; picture; image; abstract representation contrast with 'marom': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy | noun |
ned | here | noun, adverb |
ne͡imakanaas̈ | feeling of claustrophobia; the illusion of being unable to breathe | noun |
ne͡ivas | to remember; to recall; to recollect | verb |
ne͡ivash | memory (non-symbolic connotation) | noun |
neken | nekenalosan basal species, dinosaurs (Threadwielder only) | noun |
nharias | to prevent degeneration in or passive harm to; to preserve; to treat respectfully or cautiously | verb |
nigi | home; territory (positive connotation); possessed shelter | noun |
nitish | nasty; mean; cruel (emotional connotation) | adjective |
nivis | to retire; to refuse prior duties; to remove oneself from the proverbial playing field; to decline involvement | verb |
njoty | path; way (both physical and metaphorical connotations) | noun |
nuna | identical; same | adjective |
nyaqen | nekenalosan sapient species, both kavkema and Nayabaru (Threadwielder only) | noun |
okodes | to order; to sort; to bring into sequence; to realign with the rest of a collection; to put something into its proper place | verb |
okodo | order (opposite of chaos) | noun |
os̈ | pain; agony; nausea | noun |
os̈as | to hurt; to bring pain; to wound; to torture | verb |
paare | because | adverb; conjunction |
palanis | to assign an attribute to; to designate | verb |
para- | see numbers | - |
patel | see numbers | - |
phara- | see numbers | - |
phatel | see numbers | - |
phazyee | source of scalding heat; flame | noun |
phazys | to scorch; to burn; to scald | verb |
phebes | to request; to enquire about; to express desire | verb |
phebes̈ | request | noun |
phenyn | molten rock; magma; lava; solid component of a pyroclastic flow (tephra) | noun |
also: furnace; wildfire; holocaust (natural disaster connotation) | noun | |
pheres | to fell a decision; to decide; to express an firm opinion | verb |
pher | decision; opinion; prejudice (with the negative connotation) | noun |
pranatas | to respect; to treat cordially; to handle in accordance with etiquette | verb |
pranash | respect | noun |
preeth | collection of personal notes; journal; diary | noun |
prehethem | item of spiritual or magical significance i.e. none, objectively speaking, but an item one feels emotional attachment to | noun |
lucky charm; talisman; enchanted pendant (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
prenes̈ | freedom; liberty | noun |
prenes̈as | to free; to liberate; to break out of | verb |
prenysh | free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion | adjective |
qanok | last; being the final element of a collection; being the final thing to be done in a given time span | adjective; adverb (not determiner!) |
qanu | life (positive connotation) | noun |
qara- | see numbers | - |
qasai | mercy kill; release | noun |
qas̈as | to kill in mercy; to release | verb |
qatatun | market; place of trade (both physical and abstract); auction | noun |
qatel | see numbers | - |
qemaa | like (comparison) | adverb, conjunction, preposition |
q'uru | random; unpredictable; out of expected sequence | adjective |
raanin | subservient; submissive; obedient | adjective |
raas̈elek | prison; cage; trap | noun |
raas̈eles | to imprison; to cage; to trap; to isolate (negative connotation) | verb |
raktat | sacred (culturally, not spiritually) | adjective |
rakas̈ | sacrifice (culturally, not spiritually; but can be used as latter in metaphor) | noun |
rakaris | to sacrifice (culturally, not spiritually) | verb |
rara- | see numbers | - |
rarres | to take control of; to puppeteer; to possess (demonic connotation) | verb |
rarresh | puppet-master; puppeteer; manipulator | noun |
rarran | drone; zombie; puppet | noun |
ratel | see numbers | - |
resejas | to see; to perceive visually; to witness | verb |
rhaal | intelligence | noun |
rhatush | search | noun |
rhatus | to search; to seek out; to attempt to find | verb |
rini | little; few | determiner |
rinii | less | comparative determiner |
ryrha | a vaguely remembered experience | noun |
dream (neutral connotation) 'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr. |
saar | female (non-Threadwielder) | noun |
sana | relief | noun |
sara- | see numbers | - |
sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective |
sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb |
expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection | |
satel | see numbers | - |
savidam | limb (e.g. arm, leg, wing, …) | noun |
sayem | writer; author; poet; keeper of the minutes; recorder; transcriber | noun |
sazosri | anything | pronoun |
sehra | fantastic; wonderful; valuable; golden (metaphorical) | adjective |
se͡ira | friend (loyalty connotation) | noun |
sekis | to make; to construct; to create | verb |
senesem | normal; predictable; of regular, unoffensive occurrence | adjective |
sesaka | mystery; puzzle; enigma | noun |
shara- | see numbers | - |
shari | supernatural entity (non-Threadwielder cultures) | noun |
shatel | see numbers | - |
siri | regret; sorrow | noun |
sirys | to regret | verb |
skaar | discovery | noun |
skaaras | to find; to discover; to uncover | verb |
soquust | health | noun |
sovamak | subconsciousness; subconscience; instinct; gut feeling; hunch | noun |
sovol | beneath; below; under (physical connotation) | adverb, adjective, preposition |
sras̈ | plea; submissive enquiry or request | noun |
sun | ruin (social connotation) | noun |
sunas | to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) | verb |
sunys | to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) | verb |
syees | to threaten (defensively); to express a warning not to approach; to hiss; to bristle; to viciously demand personal space | verb |
sye | a threat (defensive); a warning | noun |
szamha | security; safety; protection | noun |
szases | to save | verb |
szash | saviour | noun |
s̈elt | wish; desire (dream connotation); dream (conscious connotation) | noun |
s̈eltus | to desire; to wish or ask for; to dream of | verb |
s̈elos | to breathe; to inhale; to exhale | verb |
taara | form; distinctive shape; nature | noun |
takar | master (skill connotation) | noun |
takaras | to reach a point of maximum prowess; to master (skill connotation) | verb |
taleq | end; boundary 'parent' word of taq. | noun |
taleqas | to bring and end to; to conclude; to end | verb |
taq | destination | noun |
tara- | see numbers | - |
tashas | to put somewhere; to place; to arrange; to affix something | verb |
tatel | see numbers | - |
tava | much; many | determiner |
tavai | more | comparative determiner |
teda | aid; support; help | noun |
tedas | to help; to support | verb |
temi | warm; tepid | adjective |
temor | temperature | noun |
temra | warmth (physical connotation) | noun |
thara- | see numbers | - |
thatel | see numbers | - |
tkanala | an afterlife of suffering; hell (kavkem culture) often used metaphorically | noun |
toome | maybe; perhaps; possibly | adverb (not noun, not adjective!) |
torem | violent enemy; fighter; warrior (negative connotation) | noun |
torunus | to open; to remove a trivial obstacle to travel | verb |
ut | death (positive or neutral connotation) | noun |
uvu | physical processes which naturally conform to one's pleasure, expectations and plans (Threadwielder only) nature (positive connotation) (non-Threadwielder only) | noun |
vaas̈ | horrible; terrible; gravely unfortunate pertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil' | adjective |
vaas̈u | grave misfortune; cataclysm; catastrophe | noun |
vahr | section of space-time; world 'parent' word of losa, nagiji and nigi. | noun |
valcee | strength | noun |
vale | parent; father or mother in species with sexual dimorphism | noun |
vanna | easy; trivial; effortless | adjective |
vanas | to ease; to simplify | verb |
vara- | see numbers | - |
varranas | to menace; to bully; to exert pressure on (social connotation) | verb |
varran | bully; menace (derogatory connotation) | noun |
also: individual with a bark worse than their bite | ||
vatel | see numbers | - |
vedeth | thought | noun |
venat | a pattern in the superclusters | noun |
the sky (non-Threadwielder cultures) defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day |
verhen | group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; coven | noun |
ves | bird or pterosaur (Nekenalos) | noun |
vhera | opponent; enemy (strategic connotation) | noun |
vihon | wing | noun |
viri | object; thing; item | noun |
virr | territory; claimed land; homesteaded area; property | noun |
viya | of peaceful air; of pleasant personality; kind; nice | adjective |
yai | precious; dear; appreciated usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects | adjective |
yeren | creature; animal (non-sapient) | noun |
yilun | future | noun |
yirh | powerful protector spirit | noun |
immortal flying creature with mythological properties; phoenix (various cultures) | ||
angel (equivalent in Earth culture, albeit not used there) | ||
ynas̈ | artificial behaviour of something that is not understood | noun |
enchantment (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
ynas | to imbue with mysterious behaviour; to enchant; to charm; to bewitch | verb |
yra | energy (physical or physiological connotation) | noun |
yri | only; just; simply; merely | adjective, adverb, conjunction |
yria | life (negative connotation) e.g. life of slavery or suffering | noun |
yros̈ | metal | noun |
yrys | to imbue with energy; to grant strength; to give temporary power | verb |
ysakel | boy; young male individual (where the sex exists) | noun |
ysasaar | girl; young female individual (where the sex exists) | noun |
ysash | sapient creature, too young for abstract communication | noun |
hatchling not yet capable of speech (on Nekenalos) | ||
ysik | hope | noun |
yuhas | to allow; to permit; to let (permission connotation) | verb |
yuhei | reprieve or mercy used stand-alone | noun |
yuheiden | permission; granted leeway first part of a compound word; always to have, to do or to be that something, e.g. 'yuheiden-hes̈i': permission to do battle | noun |
za'alyr | a very pleasant but only vaguely remembered experience | noun |
dream (positive connotation) (non-Threadwielder cultures) | ||
zahiye | obscured functionality; magic (sarcastic connotation) (Threadwielder culture) | noun |
magic (literal connotation) (non-Threadwielder culture) | ||
zal | beautiful (physical connotation) | adjective |
zalaar | beauty (spiritual connotation) | noun |
zara- | see numbers | - |
zatel | see numbers | - |
zet | almost | adverb |
zys | a bitterly cold object; ice | noun |
zyshas | to run; to move quickly; to hurry | verb |
Neologisms, Nonce Words and Names
In the Threadwielder tongue, new words are created chiefly by drastic portmanteauing of composite words. In so much as it's possible, pronounceable and not too outlandish, words are occasionally outright folded into each other, as long as the composite word can still strongly insinuate its base words.
An extreme example: The name “Evenatra” stems from evenatar, as the composite of evenar and venat, forming 'grace of the sky'. Most portmanteauing is not that extreme - names are more frequently reduced to this form as an aesthetic exercise more than a fundamental attempt at brevity.
Think of it like poetry.