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Zalaagra is the dragonkin Threadwielder. She's one of the most influential Threadwielders, being the most successful creator Threadwielder. She doesn't speak much with the other creators, chiefly because she's learnt a deep empathy from her creations that make her reluctant to engage with the less successful projects.

On Nekenalos, she is known as Maenona.


Zalaagra is a gentle personality, having mellowed with age away from an ambitious adventurer through the young universe as a whole. Her strategy when dealing with conflict is to avoid it; when forced to confront it, she attempts to solve the problems with words.

She's attached her own superstitions to her avatar and is paranoid about letting it come to harm in any way, even though she has to periodically shed it and take on a new one.

Despite her purely passive engagement with Threadwielder culture, Zalaagra can (and often does) develop bright enthusiasm and can be quite assertive (though from her perception this is accidental) and pushy when she's deeply convinced something is a significant improvement.


Zalaagra considers herself warm and welcoming to her kind - which is true, if one neglects to mention the detail that she never goes out of her way to interact with them. If she does cross paths with one, she's often deeply surprised, but does try to be accommodating if it's at all possible. It's this trait that makes her capable of indirectly supporting Valcen.

Loyalties and Animosities in brief

Ordered roughly from positive to negative, Zalaagra…

  • …hesitantly and cautiously (and purely indirectly) cares for Valcen by assuring that he's not stranded on the world of his choosing. She doesn't want to be actively associated with him, and indeed never speaks to him, but she can't bring herself to exile him like the others have done.
  • …worries about Threadwielder culture sometimes, uncertain if her kind might not have taken a wrong path somewhere. Having no wish to being confronted with what she suspects to be evidence for this 'drifting astray', she does not seek out others of her kind.
  • …for most part pretends Nekenalos doesn't exist.

Order these things roughly from positive to negative and begin the section with “Ordered roughly from positive to negative, [character]…


Zalaagra's Threadwielding has a biological focus. She knows how to rearrange complex carbon-based molecules in her sleep and actively uses her skills to heal in whatever world she's currently inhabiting.

Mythological Significance

On Nekenalos, Maenona is the deity of the moon and wind.



character/zalaagra.1396295219.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/18 15:22 (external edit)

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