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playground:dictionary [2013/08/05 01:34] rehchoortahnplayground:dictionary [2017/11/18 15:22] (current) – external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
-=== Emotional ===+==== Emotional ====
 For words that can be used to describe one's feelings. For words that can be used to describe one's feelings.
Line 14: Line 14:
 | li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | | li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun |
 | mataj | humour | noun | | mataj | humour | noun |
 +| prehethem | item of spiritual or magical significance\\ //i.e. none, objectively speaking, but an item one feels emotional attachment to// | noun |
 +| ::: | lucky charm; talisman; enchanted pendant //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: |
 | sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | | sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective |
 | sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | | sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb |
Line 22: Line 24:
 | ysik | hope | noun | | ysik | hope | noun |
-=== Social === +==== Social ==== 
-For words that can be used to describe interactions between people.+For words that can be used to describe how people relate to each other.
-(Todo)+//Todo: Maybe split into "positive" and "negative"?// 
 +^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ 
 +| baru | sibling (spiritual) | noun | 
 +| dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb | 
 +| dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun | 
 +| etaca | hostile action against someone; attack | verb | 
 +| etacas | to make a hostile move; to attack; to aggress against; to subvert; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct | verb | 
 +| gades̈ | pupil; protégé; sapient creature still under the protection of others\\ //'parent' word of //kavamaa// and //ysash//.// | noun | 
 +| hakas | to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | verb | 
 +| hakas̈ | control; ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | noun | 
 +| heras̈ | fake; deceptive; of mistaken attributes | adjective | 
 +| heras | to deceive; to lead astray; to lie to; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake | verb | 
 +| herij | fraud; deception; lie | noun | 
 +| hes̈i | struggle; fight; battle | noun | 
 +| hes̈ias | to be in struggle with; to fight; to battle; to antagonise and be antagonised | verb | 
 +| hes̈em | defender; protector; guardian (physical connotation); fighter; warrior (positive connotation) | noun | 
 +| ita | friend (acquaintance connotation) | noun | 
 +| jenenis | to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something | verb | 
 +| jenen | an expression of entitlement; demand | noun | 
 +| kary | ally (rational relationship connotation) | noun | 
 +| karyes | to ally (rational relationship connotation) | verb | 
 +| kavamaa | sapient creature still under the protection of others of its species (if applicable), but capable of abstract communication | noun | 
 +| ::: | hatchling capable of speech //(on Nekenalos)// | ::: | 
 +| kenda | communicative signature | noun | 
 +| ::: | voice //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 +| kerr | trust | noun | 
 +| leksis | to force; to compel; to coerce | verb | 
 +| lekesh | sway; power; force (social connotation) | noun | 
 +| lios | to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | verb | 
 +| li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | 
 +| manas | to lead toward enlightenment; to guide (intellectual connotation) | verb | 
 +| manem | guide; mentor; guardian (intellectual connotation) | noun | 
 +| mneg | tribute; homage | noun | 
 +| mynateh | exceptional individual; hero | noun | 
 +| os̈as | to hurt; to bring pain; to wound; to torture | verb | 
 +| pheres | to fell a decision; to decide; to express an firm opinion | verb | 
 +| pher | decision; opinion; prejudice (with the negative connotation) | noun | 
 +| prenes̈ | freedom; liberty | noun | 
 +| prenes̈as | to free; to liberate; to break out of | verb | 
 +| prenysh | free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion | adjective | 
 +| sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | 
 +| sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | 
 +| ::: | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection | 
 +| seira | friend (loyalty connotation)\\ //ei is a digraph here// | noun | 
 +| seru | follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) | noun | 
 +| serues | to follow; to track; to trace; to mimic; to be inspired by | verb | 
 +| sras̈ | plea; submissive enquiry or request | noun | 
 +| sun | ruin (social connotation) | noun | 
 +| sunas | to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) | verb | 
 +| sunys | to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) | verb | 
 +| syees | to threaten (defensively); to express a warning not to approach; to hiss; to bristle; to viciously demand personal space | verb | 
 +| sye | a threat (defensive); a warning | noun | 
 +| teda | aid; support; help | noun | 
 +| tedas | to help; to support | verb | 
 +| verhen | group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; coven | noun | 
 +| yai | precious; dear; appreciated\\ //usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects// | adjective | 
 +| ynas̈ | artificial behaviour of something that is not understood | noun | 
 +| ::: | enchantment //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 +| ynas | to imbue with mysterious behaviour; to enchant; to charm; to bewitch | verb |
-=== Common conversation ===+==== Common conversation ====
 For the sorts of words you learn on your first day of a foreign language class. For the sorts of words you learn on your first day of a foreign language class.
-(Todo)+(Probably incomplete) 
 +^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ 
 +| doras̈ | a greeting / hail, like 'hello' | interjection | 
 +| et | to | particle | 
 +| nar | if | conjunction | 
 +| ria | no | particle, interjection, noun | 
 +| rua | yes | particle, interjection, noun | 
 +| sarijos | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection |
-=== Space and Time ===+==== Space and Time ====
 For words describing relative or absolute location or having to do with the passage of time. For words describing relative or absolute location or having to do with the passage of time.
 (Todo) (Todo)
-=== Leftovers ===+==== Biological? ==== 
 +For words describing aspects of living things. 
 +==== Leftovers ====
 For words that I haven't figured out how to fit into nice categories yet. :-/ Sorry. For words that I haven't figured out how to fit into nice categories yet. :-/ Sorry.
Line 55: Line 128:
 | baca | large span of time; era; eon | noun | | baca | large span of time; era; eon | noun |
 | banun | single point of failure in a living creature; heart | noun | | banun | single point of failure in a living creature; heart | noun |
-| baru | sibling (spiritual) | noun | 
 | bata | within; inside (spatial connotation) | adjective, adverb, noun\\ (not preposition!) | | bata | within; inside (spatial connotation) | adjective, adverb, noun\\ (not preposition!) |
 | batas | to enter; to step inside; to pierce into non-destructively | verb | | batas | to enter; to step inside; to pierce into non-destructively | verb |
Line 66: Line 138:
 | dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb | | dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb |
 | dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun | | dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun |
-| doras̈ | a greeting / hail, like 'hello' | interjection | 
 | egar | small, sharp weapon; dagger; knife //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | egar | small, sharp weapon; dagger; knife //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | egeth | water (chemical connotation); H<sub>2</sub>O | noun | | egeth | water (chemical connotation); H<sub>2</sub>O | noun |
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 | ehifas | to advance; to move forward; to follow a designated path forward | verb | | ehifas | to advance; to move forward; to follow a designated path forward | verb |
 | equaaj | life-sustaining liquid; water //(contrast: egeth)// | noun | | equaaj | life-sustaining liquid; water //(contrast: egeth)// | noun |
-| et | to | particle | 
-| etaca | hostile action against someone; attack | verb | 
-| etacas | to make a hostile move; to attack; to aggress against; to subvert; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct | verb | 
 | evenar | grace | noun | | evenar | grace | noun |
-| gades̈ | pupil; protégé; sapient creature still under the protection of others\\ //'parent' word of //kavamaa// and //ysash//.// | noun | 
 | ganirr | imagination; creative ability or prowess | noun | | ganirr | imagination; creative ability or prowess | noun |
 | ganirrys | to imagine; to design creatively | verb | | ganirrys | to imagine; to design creatively | verb |
 | garu | motion | noun | | garu | motion | noun |
 | girr | something in circular arrangement; ring | noun | | girr | something in circular arrangement; ring | noun |
-| hakas | to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | verb | 
-| hakas̈ | control; ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | noun | 
 | harras | to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce; to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence | verb | | harras | to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce; to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence | verb |
-| heras̈ | fake; deceptive; of mistaken attributes | adjective | 
-| heras | to deceive; to lead astray; to lie to; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake | verb | 
-| herij | fraud; deception; lie | noun | 
 | heril | fate; destiny | noun | | heril | fate; destiny | noun |
 | herilis | to be subject to one's fate; to deserve | verb | | herilis | to be subject to one's fate; to deserve | verb |
-| hes̈i | struggle; fight; battle | noun | 
-| hes̈ias | to be in struggle with; to fight; to battle; to antagonise and be antagonised | verb | 
-| hes̈em | defender; protector; guardian (physical connotation); fighter; warrior (positive connotation) | noun | 
 | //iktem// | fish | noun | | //iktem// | fish | noun |
 | //iktis// | to fish (not metaphorically) | verb | | //iktis// | to fish (not metaphorically) | verb |
-| ita | friend (acquaintance connotation) | noun | 
 | jaro | truth; fact | noun | | jaro | truth; fact | noun |
 | jemosh | a strike; a hit; an intentional, precise impact | noun | | jemosh | a strike; a hit; an intentional, precise impact | noun |
Line 101: Line 159:
 | ::: | a blade //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | | ::: | a blade //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: |
 | ::: | a sword //(cultures that have them)// | ::: | | ::: | a sword //(cultures that have them)// | ::: |
-| jenenis | to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something | verb | 
-| jenen | an expression of entitlement; demand | noun | 
 | ji | yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) | adverb\\ (not conjunction!) | | ji | yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) | adverb\\ (not conjunction!) |
 | jirris | to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch | verb | | jirris | to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch | verb |
Line 113: Line 169:
 | //kal// | male //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun | | //kal// | male //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun |
 | karon | time | noun | | karon | time | noun |
-| kary | ally (rational relationship connotation) | noun | 
-| karyes | to ally (rational relationship connotation) | verb | 
 | kas̈ | slumber; sleep; doze; nap //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | kas̈ | slumber; sleep; doze; nap //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | katale | incandescently oxidised substance; ash | noun | | katale | incandescently oxidised substance; ash | noun |
Line 135: Line 189:
 | kseth | wicked; cunning; unpleasant personality | adjective | | kseth | wicked; cunning; unpleasant personality | adjective |
 | kull | foreign creature; alien | noun | | kull | foreign creature; alien | noun |
-| leksis | to force; to compel; to coerce | verb | 
-| lekesh | sway; power; force (social connotation) | noun | 
-| lios | to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | verb | 
-| li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | 
 | lonnas | to perceive sound; to hear (raw perception connotation, not understanding connotation) | verb | | lonnas | to perceive sound; to hear (raw perception connotation, not understanding connotation) | verb |
 | los̈a | planet; planetoid; moon //(Threadwielder culture only)// | noun | | los̈a | planet; planetoid; moon //(Threadwielder culture only)// | noun |
Line 144: Line 194:
 | lur | there | noun, adverb | | lur | there | noun, adverb |
 | madjan | reward | noun | | madjan | reward | noun |
-| manas | to lead toward enlightenment; to guide (intellectual connotation) | verb | 
-| manem | guide; mentor; guardian (intellectual connotation) | noun | 
 | matas | to conceal; to cover | verb | | matas | to conceal; to cover | verb |
 | mat | an object to hide beneath or behind; shield; cover | noun | | mat | an object to hide beneath or behind; shield; cover | noun |
Line 156: Line 204:
 | nala | fertile ground; earth | noun | | nala | fertile ground; earth | noun |
 | naki | dimension (geometry / mathematics) | noun | | naki | dimension (geometry / mathematics) | noun |
-| nar | if | conjunction | 
 | //nateh// | deity //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | //nateh// | deity //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | ned | here | noun, adverb | | ned | here | noun, adverb |
Line 167: Line 214:
 | phazyee | source of scalding heat; flame | noun | | phazyee | source of scalding heat; flame | noun |
 | phazys | to scorch; to burn; to scald | verb | | phazys | to scorch; to burn; to scald | verb |
-| pheres | to fell a decision; to decide; to express an firm opinion | verb | 
-| pher | decision; opinion; prejudice (with the negative connotation) | noun | 
-| prenes̈ | freedom; liberty | noun | 
-| prenes̈as | to free; to liberate; to break out of | verb | 
-| prenysh | free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion | adjective | 
 | preeth | collection of personal notes; journal; diary | noun | | preeth | collection of personal notes; journal; diary | noun |
-| prehethem | item of spiritual or magical significance\\ //i.e. none, objectively speaking, but an item one feels emotional attachment to// | noun | 
-| ::: | lucky charm; talisman; enchanted pendant //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 | q'anu | life (positive connotation) | noun | | q'anu | life (positive connotation) | noun |
 | q'eta | so | interjection, conjunction\\ (not adverb!) | | q'eta | so | interjection, conjunction\\ (not adverb!) |
 | q'uru | random; unpredictable; out of expected sequence | adjective | | q'uru | random; unpredictable; out of expected sequence | adjective |
 | raktat | sacred (culturally, not spiritually) | adjective | | raktat | sacred (culturally, not spiritually) | adjective |
-| ria | no | particle, interjection, noun | 
-| rua | yes | particle, interjection, noun | 
 | ryrha | a vaguely remembered experience | noun | | ryrha | a vaguely remembered experience | noun |
 | ::: | dream (neutral connotation)\\ //'parent' word of //adaryr// and //za'alyr//.// | ::: | | ::: | dream (neutral connotation)\\ //'parent' word of //adaryr// and //za'alyr//.// | ::: |
 | //saar// | female //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun | | //saar// | female //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun |
-| sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | 
-| sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | 
-| ::: | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection | 
 | sayem | writer; author; poet; keeper of the minutes; recorder; transcriber | noun | | sayem | writer; author; poet; keeper of the minutes; recorder; transcriber | noun |
 | sazo | any | determiner, pronoun\\ (not adverb!) | | sazo | any | determiner, pronoun\\ (not adverb!) |
 | sazosri | anything | pronoun | | sazosri | anything | pronoun |
 | sehra | fantastic; wonderful; valuable; golden (metaphorical) | adjective | | sehra | fantastic; wonderful; valuable; golden (metaphorical) | adjective |
-| seira | friend (loyalty connotation)\\ //ei is a digraph here// | noun | 
 | senesem | normal; predictable; of regular, unoffensive occurrence | adjective | | senesem | normal; predictable; of regular, unoffensive occurrence | adjective |
-| seru | follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) | noun | 
-| serues | to follow; to track; to trace; to mimic; to be inspired by | verb | 
 | sessat | the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously; a sudden hail of shards; explosion | noun | | sessat | the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously; a sudden hail of shards; explosion | noun |
 | sessatas | to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter | verb | | sessatas | to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter | verb |
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 | skaar | discovery | noun | | skaar | discovery | noun |
 | skaaras | to find; to discover; to uncover | verb | | skaaras | to find; to discover; to uncover | verb |
-| sras̈ | plea; submissive enquiry or request | noun | 
-| sun | ruin (social connotation) | noun | 
-| sunas | to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) | verb | 
-| sunys | to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) | verb | 
-| syees | to threaten (defensively); to express a warning not to approach; to hiss; to bristle; to viciously demand personal space | verb | 
-| sye | a threat (defensive); a warning | noun | 
 | szamha | security; safety; protection | noun | | szamha | security; safety; protection | noun |
 | taleq | end; boundary\\ //'parent' word of //taq//.// | noun | | taleq | end; boundary\\ //'parent' word of //taq//.// | noun |
Line 212: Line 238:
 | tara | form; distinctive shape; nature | noun | | tara | form; distinctive shape; nature | noun |
 | taq | destination | noun | | taq | destination | noun |
-| teda | aid; support; help | noun | 
-| tedas | to help; to support | verb | 
 | temi | warm; tepid | adjective | | temi | warm; tepid | adjective |
 | temra | warmth (physical connotation) | noun | | temra | warmth (physical connotation) | noun |
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 | venat | a pattern in a [[|superclusters]] | noun | | venat | a pattern in a [[|superclusters]] | noun |
 | ::: | the sky //(non-Threadwielder cultures)//\\ //defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day// | ::: | | ::: | the sky //(non-Threadwielder cultures)//\\ //defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day// | ::: |
-| verhen | group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; coven | noun | 
 | viya | of peaceful air; of pleasant personality; kind; nice | adjective | | viya | of peaceful air; of pleasant personality; kind; nice | adjective |
-| yai | precious; dear; appreciated\\ //usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects// | adjective | 
-| ynas̈ | artificial behaviour of something that is not understood | noun | 
-| ::: | enchantment //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
-| ynas | to imbue with mysterious behaviour; to enchant; to charm; to bewitch | verb | 
 | yilun | future | noun | | yilun | future | noun |
 | yirh | powerful protector spirit | noun | | yirh | powerful protector spirit | noun |
playground/dictionary.1375666484.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/18 15:22 (external edit)

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