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playground:dictionary [2013/08/05 01:29] – created rehchoortahnplayground:dictionary [2017/11/18 15:22] (current) – external edit
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-=== Emotional ===+==== Emotional ===
 +For words that can be used to describe one's feelings. 
 ^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ ^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^
 | ashee | pleasant | adjective | | ashee | pleasant | adjective |
Line 12: Line 14:
 | li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | | li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun |
 | mataj | humour | noun | | mataj | humour | noun |
 +| prehethem | item of spiritual or magical significance\\ //i.e. none, objectively speaking, but an item one feels emotional attachment to// | noun |
 +| ::: | lucky charm; talisman; enchanted pendant //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: |
 | sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | | sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective |
 | sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | | sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb |
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 | ysik | hope | noun | | ysik | hope | noun |
-=== Social ===+==== Social ===
 +For words that can be used to describe how people relate to each other.
-(Todo)+//Todo: Maybe split into "positive" and "negative"?//
-=== Common conversation ===+^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ 
 +| baru | sibling (spiritual) | noun | 
 +| dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb | 
 +| dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun | 
 +| etaca | hostile action against someone; attack | verb | 
 +| etacas | to make a hostile move; to attack; to aggress against; to subvert; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct | verb | 
 +| gades̈ | pupil; protégé; sapient creature still under the protection of others\\ //'parent' word of //kavamaa// and //ysash//.// | noun | 
 +| hakas | to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | verb | 
 +| hakas̈ | control; ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | noun | 
 +| heras̈ | fake; deceptive; of mistaken attributes | adjective | 
 +| heras | to deceive; to lead astray; to lie to; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake | verb | 
 +| herij | fraud; deception; lie | noun | 
 +| hes̈i | struggle; fight; battle | noun | 
 +| hes̈ias | to be in struggle with; to fight; to battle; to antagonise and be antagonised | verb | 
 +| hes̈em | defender; protector; guardian (physical connotation); fighter; warrior (positive connotation) | noun | 
 +| ita | friend (acquaintance connotation) | noun | 
 +| jenenis | to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something | verb | 
 +| jenen | an expression of entitlement; demand | noun | 
 +| kary | ally (rational relationship connotation) | noun | 
 +| karyes | to ally (rational relationship connotation) | verb | 
 +| kavamaa | sapient creature still under the protection of others of its species (if applicable), but capable of abstract communication | noun | 
 +| ::: | hatchling capable of speech //(on Nekenalos)// | ::: | 
 +| kenda | communicative signature | noun | 
 +| ::: | voice //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 +| kerr | trust | noun | 
 +| leksis | to force; to compel; to coerce | verb | 
 +| lekesh | sway; power; force (social connotation) | noun | 
 +| lios | to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | verb | 
 +| li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | 
 +| manas | to lead toward enlightenment; to guide (intellectual connotation) | verb | 
 +| manem | guide; mentor; guardian (intellectual connotation) | noun | 
 +| mneg | tribute; homage | noun | 
 +| mynateh | exceptional individual; hero | noun | 
 +| os̈as | to hurt; to bring pain; to wound; to torture | verb | 
 +| pheres | to fell a decision; to decide; to express an firm opinion | verb | 
 +| pher | decision; opinion; prejudice (with the negative connotation) | noun | 
 +| prenes̈ | freedom; liberty | noun | 
 +| prenes̈as | to free; to liberate; to break out of | verb | 
 +| prenysh | free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion | adjective | 
 +| sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | 
 +| sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | 
 +| ::: | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection | 
 +| seira | friend (loyalty connotation)\\ //ei is a digraph here// | noun | 
 +| seru | follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) | noun | 
 +| serues | to follow; to track; to trace; to mimic; to be inspired by | verb | 
 +| sras̈ | plea; submissive enquiry or request | noun | 
 +| sun | ruin (social connotation) | noun | 
 +| sunas | to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) | verb | 
 +| sunys | to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) | verb | 
 +| syees | to threaten (defensively); to express a warning not to approach; to hiss; to bristle; to viciously demand personal space | verb | 
 +| sye | a threat (defensive); a warning | noun | 
 +| teda | aid; support; help | noun | 
 +| tedas | to help; to support | verb | 
 +| verhen | group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; coven | noun | 
 +| yai | precious; dear; appreciated\\ //usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects// | adjective | 
 +| ynas̈ | artificial behaviour of something that is not understood | noun | 
 +| ::: | enchantment //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 +| ynas | to imbue with mysterious behaviour; to enchant; to charm; to bewitch | verb |
-(Todo)+==== Common conversation ==== 
 +For the sorts of words you learn on your first day of a foreign language class. 
 +(Probably incomplete) 
 +^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ 
 +| doras̈ | a greeting / hail, like 'hello' | interjection | 
 +| et | to | particle | 
 +| nar | if | conjunction | 
 +| ria | no | particle, interjection, noun | 
 +| rua | yes | particle, interjection, noun | 
 +| sarijos | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection |
-=== Space and Time ===+==== Space and Time ===
 +For words describing relative or absolute location or having to do with the passage of time.
 (Todo) (Todo)
-=== Leftovers ===+==== Biological? ==== 
 +For words describing aspects of living things. 
 +==== Leftovers ===
 +For words that I haven't figured out how to fit into nice categories yet. :-/ Sorry.
 ^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^ ^ Language ^ English ^ Class ^
Line 49: Line 128:
 | baca | large span of time; era; eon | noun | | baca | large span of time; era; eon | noun |
 | banun | single point of failure in a living creature; heart | noun | | banun | single point of failure in a living creature; heart | noun |
-| baru | sibling (spiritual) | noun | 
 | bata | within; inside (spatial connotation) | adjective, adverb, noun\\ (not preposition!) | | bata | within; inside (spatial connotation) | adjective, adverb, noun\\ (not preposition!) |
 | batas | to enter; to step inside; to pierce into non-destructively | verb | | batas | to enter; to step inside; to pierce into non-destructively | verb |
Line 60: Line 138:
 | dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb | | dravas | to restrain; to hold; to possess (pertains to both objects and people) | verb |
 | dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun | | dravem | holder; master; owner (pertains to both objects and people; connotation of one who exerts minimal force to maintain his possession, of non-consent when pertaining to people) | noun |
-| doras̈ | a greeting / hail, like 'hello' | interjection | 
 | egar | small, sharp weapon; dagger; knife //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | egar | small, sharp weapon; dagger; knife //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | egeth | water (chemical connotation); H<sub>2</sub>O | noun | | egeth | water (chemical connotation); H<sub>2</sub>O | noun |
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 | ehifas | to advance; to move forward; to follow a designated path forward | verb | | ehifas | to advance; to move forward; to follow a designated path forward | verb |
 | equaaj | life-sustaining liquid; water //(contrast: egeth)// | noun | | equaaj | life-sustaining liquid; water //(contrast: egeth)// | noun |
-| et | to | particle | 
-| etaca | hostile action against someone; attack | verb | 
-| etacas | to make a hostile move; to attack; to aggress against; to subvert; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct | verb | 
 | evenar | grace | noun | | evenar | grace | noun |
-| gades̈ | pupil; protégé; sapient creature still under the protection of others\\ //'parent' word of //kavamaa// and //ysash//.// | noun | 
 | ganirr | imagination; creative ability or prowess | noun | | ganirr | imagination; creative ability or prowess | noun |
 | ganirrys | to imagine; to design creatively | verb | | ganirrys | to imagine; to design creatively | verb |
 | garu | motion | noun | | garu | motion | noun |
 | girr | something in circular arrangement; ring | noun | | girr | something in circular arrangement; ring | noun |
-| hakas | to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | verb | 
-| hakas̈ | control; ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation) | noun | 
 | harras | to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce; to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence | verb | | harras | to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce; to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence | verb |
-| heras̈ | fake; deceptive; of mistaken attributes | adjective | 
-| heras | to deceive; to lead astray; to lie to; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake | verb | 
-| herij | fraud; deception; lie | noun | 
 | heril | fate; destiny | noun | | heril | fate; destiny | noun |
 | herilis | to be subject to one's fate; to deserve | verb | | herilis | to be subject to one's fate; to deserve | verb |
-| hes̈i | struggle; fight; battle | noun | 
-| hes̈ias | to be in struggle with; to fight; to battle; to antagonise and be antagonised | verb | 
-| hes̈em | defender; protector; guardian (physical connotation); fighter; warrior (positive connotation) | noun | 
 | //iktem// | fish | noun | | //iktem// | fish | noun |
 | //iktis// | to fish (not metaphorically) | verb | | //iktis// | to fish (not metaphorically) | verb |
-| ita | friend (acquaintance connotation) | noun | 
 | jaro | truth; fact | noun | | jaro | truth; fact | noun |
 | jemosh | a strike; a hit; an intentional, precise impact | noun | | jemosh | a strike; a hit; an intentional, precise impact | noun |
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 | ::: | a blade //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | | ::: | a blade //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: |
 | ::: | a sword //(cultures that have them)// | ::: | | ::: | a sword //(cultures that have them)// | ::: |
-| jenenis | to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something | verb | 
-| jenen | an expression of entitlement; demand | noun | 
 | ji | yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) | adverb\\ (not conjunction!) | | ji | yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) | adverb\\ (not conjunction!) |
 | jirris | to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch | verb | | jirris | to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch | verb |
Line 107: Line 169:
 | //kal// | male //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun | | //kal// | male //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun |
 | karon | time | noun | | karon | time | noun |
-| kary | ally (rational relationship connotation) | noun | 
-| karyes | to ally (rational relationship connotation) | verb | 
 | kas̈ | slumber; sleep; doze; nap //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | kas̈ | slumber; sleep; doze; nap //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | katale | incandescently oxidised substance; ash | noun | | katale | incandescently oxidised substance; ash | noun |
Line 129: Line 189:
 | kseth | wicked; cunning; unpleasant personality | adjective | | kseth | wicked; cunning; unpleasant personality | adjective |
 | kull | foreign creature; alien | noun | | kull | foreign creature; alien | noun |
-| leksis | to force; to compel; to coerce | verb | 
-| lekesh | sway; power; force (social connotation) | noun | 
-| lios | to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | verb | 
-| li | desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) | noun | 
 | lonnas | to perceive sound; to hear (raw perception connotation, not understanding connotation) | verb | | lonnas | to perceive sound; to hear (raw perception connotation, not understanding connotation) | verb |
 | los̈a | planet; planetoid; moon //(Threadwielder culture only)// | noun | | los̈a | planet; planetoid; moon //(Threadwielder culture only)// | noun |
Line 138: Line 194:
 | lur | there | noun, adverb | | lur | there | noun, adverb |
 | madjan | reward | noun | | madjan | reward | noun |
-| manas | to lead toward enlightenment; to guide (intellectual connotation) | verb | 
-| manem | guide; mentor; guardian (intellectual connotation) | noun | 
 | matas | to conceal; to cover | verb | | matas | to conceal; to cover | verb |
 | mat | an object to hide beneath or behind; shield; cover | noun | | mat | an object to hide beneath or behind; shield; cover | noun |
Line 150: Line 204:
 | nala | fertile ground; earth | noun | | nala | fertile ground; earth | noun |
 | naki | dimension (geometry / mathematics) | noun | | naki | dimension (geometry / mathematics) | noun |
-| nar | if | conjunction | 
 | //nateh// | deity //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun | | //nateh// | deity //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | noun |
 | ned | here | noun, adverb | | ned | here | noun, adverb |
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 | phazyee | source of scalding heat; flame | noun | | phazyee | source of scalding heat; flame | noun |
 | phazys | to scorch; to burn; to scald | verb | | phazys | to scorch; to burn; to scald | verb |
-| pheres | to fell a decision; to decide; to express an firm opinion | verb | 
-| pher | decision; opinion; prejudice (with the negative connotation) | noun | 
-| prenes̈ | freedom; liberty | noun | 
-| prenes̈as | to free; to liberate; to break out of | verb | 
-| prenysh | free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion | adjective | 
 | preeth | collection of personal notes; journal; diary | noun | | preeth | collection of personal notes; journal; diary | noun |
-| prehethem | item of spiritual or magical significance\\ //i.e. none, objectively speaking, but an item one feels emotional attachment to// | noun | 
-| ::: | lucky charm; talisman; enchanted pendant //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
 | q'anu | life (positive connotation) | noun | | q'anu | life (positive connotation) | noun |
 | q'eta | so | interjection, conjunction\\ (not adverb!) | | q'eta | so | interjection, conjunction\\ (not adverb!) |
 | q'uru | random; unpredictable; out of expected sequence | adjective | | q'uru | random; unpredictable; out of expected sequence | adjective |
 | raktat | sacred (culturally, not spiritually) | adjective | | raktat | sacred (culturally, not spiritually) | adjective |
-| ria | no | particle, interjection, noun | 
-| rua | yes | particle, interjection, noun | 
 | ryrha | a vaguely remembered experience | noun | | ryrha | a vaguely remembered experience | noun |
 | ::: | dream (neutral connotation)\\ //'parent' word of //adaryr// and //za'alyr//.// | ::: | | ::: | dream (neutral connotation)\\ //'parent' word of //adaryr// and //za'alyr//.// | ::: |
 | //saar// | female //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun | | //saar// | female //(non-Threadwielder)// | noun |
-| sarijo | regretful for an action; being sorry | adjective | 
-| sarijos | to apologise; to express regret | verb | 
-| ::: | expression of sorrow, regret; sorry | interjection | 
 | sayem | writer; author; poet; keeper of the minutes; recorder; transcriber | noun | | sayem | writer; author; poet; keeper of the minutes; recorder; transcriber | noun |
 | sazo | any | determiner, pronoun\\ (not adverb!) | | sazo | any | determiner, pronoun\\ (not adverb!) |
 | sazosri | anything | pronoun | | sazosri | anything | pronoun |
 | sehra | fantastic; wonderful; valuable; golden (metaphorical) | adjective | | sehra | fantastic; wonderful; valuable; golden (metaphorical) | adjective |
-| seira | friend (loyalty connotation)\\ //ei is a digraph here// | noun | 
 | senesem | normal; predictable; of regular, unoffensive occurrence | adjective | | senesem | normal; predictable; of regular, unoffensive occurrence | adjective |
-| seru | follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) | noun | 
-| serues | to follow; to track; to trace; to mimic; to be inspired by | verb | 
 | sessat | the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously; a sudden hail of shards; explosion | noun | | sessat | the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously; a sudden hail of shards; explosion | noun |
 | sessatas | to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter | verb | | sessatas | to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter | verb |
Line 195: Line 233:
 | skaar | discovery | noun | | skaar | discovery | noun |
 | skaaras | to find; to discover; to uncover | verb | | skaaras | to find; to discover; to uncover | verb |
-| sras̈ | plea; submissive enquiry or request | noun | 
-| sun | ruin (social connotation) | noun | 
-| sunas | to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) | verb | 
-| sunys | to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) | verb | 
-| syees | to threaten (defensively); to express a warning not to approach; to hiss; to bristle; to viciously demand personal space | verb | 
-| sye | a threat (defensive); a warning | noun | 
 | szamha | security; safety; protection | noun | | szamha | security; safety; protection | noun |
 | taleq | end; boundary\\ //'parent' word of //taq//.// | noun | | taleq | end; boundary\\ //'parent' word of //taq//.// | noun |
Line 206: Line 238:
 | tara | form; distinctive shape; nature | noun | | tara | form; distinctive shape; nature | noun |
 | taq | destination | noun | | taq | destination | noun |
-| teda | aid; support; help | noun | 
-| tedas | to help; to support | verb | 
 | temi | warm; tepid | adjective | | temi | warm; tepid | adjective |
 | temra | warmth (physical connotation) | noun | | temra | warmth (physical connotation) | noun |
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 | venat | a pattern in a [[|superclusters]] | noun | | venat | a pattern in a [[|superclusters]] | noun |
 | ::: | the sky //(non-Threadwielder cultures)//\\ //defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day// | ::: | | ::: | the sky //(non-Threadwielder cultures)//\\ //defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day// | ::: |
-| verhen | group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; coven | noun | 
 | viya | of peaceful air; of pleasant personality; kind; nice | adjective | | viya | of peaceful air; of pleasant personality; kind; nice | adjective |
-| yai | precious; dear; appreciated\\ //usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects// | adjective | 
-| ynas̈ | artificial behaviour of something that is not understood | noun | 
-| ::: | enchantment //(non-Threadwielder cultures)// | ::: | 
-| ynas | to imbue with mysterious behaviour; to enchant; to charm; to bewitch | verb | 
 | yilun | future | noun | | yilun | future | noun |
 | yirh | powerful protector spirit | noun | | yirh | powerful protector spirit | noun |
playground/dictionary.1375666182.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/18 15:22 (external edit)

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